Symptom Search:
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see below or send me a message.
Find your SYMPTOM then BOOK or SEE MORE INFO on the Services tab. Depending on your symptoms and the duration you have had them, you may need a treatment plan of several sessions. There are Discount packages available under the Services tab - PACKAGES.
Reiki, Advanced Body Processes by Access Consciousness (ABP), Chakra Balance
Coaching, NLP, Tapping, Reiki
Biofield Tuning, Meridian Tuning, Emotional Cellular Reordering
Reiki, Pellowah, Tapping, Coaching, NLP, LightCodes (TM)
Reiki, Meridian Tuning, ABP
Meridian Tuning - lungs, Reiki, Advanced Body Processes (ABP)
Back Pain
Advanced Body Processes (ABP), Reiki, Pellowah, Meridians, Biofield Tuning
Bipolar Disorder
Coaching, NLP, Reiki, LightCodes (TM)
Coaching, NLP, Reiki, Pellowah, LightCodes (TM)
Blood Pressure Issues
Reiki, Meridian Tuning, Chakra Balance
Advanced Body Process (ABP), Meridians
Reiki, Advanced Body Processes (ABP) - MTVSS
Chronic Fatigue
LightCodes - Lotus Flower process, Advanced Body Process (ABP) - Adrenal Reset
Chronic Pain
Advanced Body Processes (ABP), Meridian Tuning, Biofield Tuning, Reiki
Colds and Flu
Reiki, Chakra Balance, Advanced Body Processes (ABP)
Coaching, NLP, Pellowah, Emotional Cellular Reordering (ECR), LightCodes - Grids
Chronic Issues with not being able to move on
Advanced Body Processes (ABP), Pellowah, Reiki
Complete over hall
Coaching, Energetic Facelift (this process clears dozens of different areas in the body energetically)
Coaching - Create a new Life you Love…..
Book a call under ‘WORK WITH ME’ tab.
Career Transition, Personal Development, Relationship issues, Self-confidence, Life Purpose, Stress Management, Work-Life Balance, Overcoming Fear, Goal Setting, Motivation, Life Planning…
One on One Coaching and Group Coaching is available. I often run classes of different types all year. "
NLP and ECR will get you started, or a call to me to explain what is going on for you and I can advise from there.
Coaching, NLP, Reiki, Pellowah, Emotional Cellular Reordering, LightCodes (TM)
Digestive Issues
Meridian Tuning, Reiki, Chakra Balance, ABP
Emotional Trauma (depends on scale and type)
Reiki, Pellowah, Emotional Cellular Reordering, Coaching, LightCodes (TM)
Erectile Dysfunction
Advanced Body Processes (ADP), Emotional Cellular Reordering (ECR)
Pellowah, LightCodes (TM), Advanced Body Processes (ABP) - Adrenal Reset
Reiki, Pellowah, Advanced Body Processes (ABP)
Coaching, Reiki, Pellowah, Emotional Cellular Reordering, Advanced Body Process
Reiki, Access BARS, LightCodes (TM), Meridians
Reiki, Advanced Body Processes (ABP), Chakra Balance
Reiki, Meridian Tuning, Chakra Balance
Immune System Support
Advanced Body Processes (ABP) - MTVSS, Meridian
Advanced Body Processes (ADP), Emotional Cellular Reordering (ECR)
Inflammation & Infection
Meridian, Advanced Body Processes (ABP), LightCodes (TM)
Reiki, Biofield Tuning, Chakra Balance
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Reiki, Meridian Tuning, Advanced Body Processes (ABP)
Joint Pain
Reiki, Advanced Body Processes (ABP), Meridian Tuning
Kidney Issues
Reiki, Advanced Body Processes (ABP), Chakra Balance
Limiting Patterns & Beliefs
LightCodes (TM) - Contracts, Hooks, Gridding, Merkabah Activations, NLP
Liver Issues
Reiki, Meridian Tuning, Advanced Body Processes (ABP)
Low Energy
LightCodes - Lotus Flower process, Advanced Body Process (ABP) - Adrenal Reset
Menstrual Issues
Advanced Body Processes (ABP), Meridian
Mental Clarity Issues
Access BARs, Reiki, Coaching, NLP, Chakra Balance
Mood Swings
Reiki, Pellowah, Emotional Cellular Reordering, Chakra Balance
Muscle Pain
Reiki, Biofield Tuning, Advanced Body Processes (ABP)
Neck Pain
Reiki, Meridian Tuning, Biofield Tuning
Nervous System Issues
Advanced Body Processes (ABP), Reiki, Biofield Tuning
Reiki, Coaching, NLP, Emotional Cellular Reordering
Coaching, NLP, Emotional Cellular Reordering (ECR)
Reiki, Coaching, NLP, Emotional Cellular Reordering, LightCodes (TM)
Pain Management
Reiki, Advanced Body Processes (ABP), Biofield Tuning, Meridian Tuning, LightCodes (TM)
Panic Attacks
Reiki, Coaching, NLP, Tapping, LightCodes (TM)
NLP, Tapping, Reiki, Coaching
Reiki, Meridian Tuning, Advanced Body Processes (ABP)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Biofield Tuning, Pellowah, Emotional Cellular Reordering, Coaching
Prostate Issues
Reiki, Advanced Body Processes (ABP), Chakra Balance
Respiratory Issues
Meridian, LightCodes - Psychic Surgery, Advanced Body Processes (ABP) - Grief, ECR
Reiki, Meridian Tuning, Biofield Tuning
Sinus Issues
Reiki, Advanced Body Processes (ABP), Meridian Tuning
Skin Issues
Reiki, Advanced Body Processes (ABP), Biofield Tuning
Sleep Disorders
Reiki, Biofield Tuning, LightCodes (TM)
Spiritual Disconnection
Pellowah, Chakra Balance, LightCodes (TM)
Reiki, Pellowah, Coaching, NLP, Tapping
Coaching, NLP, Pellowah, Emotional Cellular Reordering (ECR), LightCodes - Grids
Reiki, Advanced Body Processes (ABP)
Access BARS
Reiki, Advanced Body Processes (ABP)
Thyroid Issues
Reiki, Advanced Body Processes (ABP), Chakra Balance
Reiki, Advanced Body Processes (ABP)
Reiki, Biofield Tuning, Advanced Body Processes (ABP)
Weight Management
Coaching, NLP, Emotional Cellular Reordering (ECR)
Access BARS
Disclaimer: This does not in any way indicate a cure. These are symptoms that clients have had help with minimising their issues.
More information and booking button is available under the SERVICES TAB.
Access BARS - Energy is run on 32 points on the head to get energy flowing through the whole body.
Advanced Body Processes by Access Consciousness (ABP) - Organ based healings.
Biofield Tuning - Tuning Forks are used to clear negative vibrations in the field (aura).
Chakra Balance - aligning the chakras in the body
Emotional Cellular Reordering ECR - a talk therapy going into the energy of the issue/event.
LightCodes (TM) - A high frequency session, with several different processes available (explained on Lightcodes page) for different outcomes
Meridian Tuning - are superhighways in the body where tuning forks are used to help unblock the acupressure points.
NLP - verbal process for beliefs and change. You can change the way things taste, mindset and more.
Pellowah - reset to your Akashic Records - your life’s purpose.
Reiki - a gentle healing on different areas and the chakras to allow energy to flow.
Tapping (EFT) - tapping on different meridians to help with anxiety and trauma.
Purchase a package or just book for one session and ask at your session or call. If I am in a session, I will call you back.
Most modalities can be done via distance (over Zoom)