Popular Packages (receive a code on purchasing to redeem your product)
Relax and Balance Package 3 hours Just $100/session
Any mix of Reiki, Access BARS, Chakra Balance - book 2 x 1.5 hr sessions or 3 x 1 hr sessions
Click on the link for more information.
Use within 2 months.Access Bars is extremely popular for mind chatter and relaxation. 32 points on the head are held lightly to clear blocks in the head and often this also helps the neck and shoulders.
Reiki is a relaxing balance of the body, bringing the Chi energy back into alignment.
Chakra Balance is also a body balance and crystals can be used.
Try Premium Modalities - GOLD package 5 hours
Want to try the Premium range services…. the GOLD package gives you access to the premium range of services for a reduced price.
Choose services $150 and over for this package.
Advanced Body, Energy Facelift, *LightCodes (TM), Pellowah, Emotional Cellular Reordering, Distance healings. Tuning forks on the meridians. eg Book any combination of services to add up to 5 hours. ie. 2 x 2 hour sessions and a 1 hour session or 2 x 1.5 hr sessions and a 2 hour session.
No further discounts.
Gold Package can only be purchased once to trial premium products. -
Dynamic Health Package - 10 hours for $130/session
Regular sessions close together can assist in faster results.
10 hours of bliss over 4 months and see the change in your body.
All services are included except LightCodes and Coaching/Talk Therapies
That’s just $130 per sessionMost of the sessions included in the package are over $150/session and some even $180/session. You get them for $130/session
Your Road to Happiness - 6 months Coaching Membership
MIND, BODY, SOUL, ENERGY FIELD and the PAST catapulting you into your amazing FUTURE
What does it include???
Diving deep into your future plans and how to achieve them.
Personal, Financial, Career, Spiritual, Manifestation, Dreams, Relationships, Social/Friendships, Central Nervous System, Self Belief, Confidence, Attitude, Anger, Fear, Love, acceptance…. the list goes on.
Go on, BE THE NEW YOU in a few months.10 hours of individual coaching and
10 hours of any modality regardless of the cost.
PAY IN FULL and Payment Plan. -
LightCodes (TM) Package
LightCodes has many different processes that are all 5D related.
They venture into the subtle body and may include the following depending on our discussion before your sessions.
Gridding your business and personal life
Psychic Surgery
Installing Codes
Lotus Flower & Merkabah
Chakra and Aura Clearing
Release Contracts, Karmic Ties, Cords,
Medi bed
More information on the above processes