recreate your life
plan & prosper
8 Areas of you Life Transformed
Discovery, awarenesses and finding the gaps you need to approach to get to greater heights and achieve new beginnings.
Relationships and how you relate to family, friends and colleagues.
Mental Health - what you can do to improve your MH.
Socially - ideas and insights to change the way you interact and connect."
Physical - it’s not just exercise and food.
Emotional - what can you change for a happier you?
Personal Growth - secrets and clearings
Career - is it really that easy to get where you want to go professionally?
Financial - your relationship with Money, savings and how to be Banked as you get older.
Includes some energy clearing sessions on the areas that are needed. This may include your relationship with money clearings, internal belief shifting, tapping, whatever is required to get more freedom and move on.
Designed specifically for you one on one.
More time in the areas you want, and less time where it isn’t needed as much.
Your own specific time to suit you.
Split into 4 x 1.5 hour sessions and booked to suit you.
Take hold of your life.
Live, Love, Laugh
This four 1.5 hour zoom sessions personally with Rhonda showing you how to Recreate your Life, finding the gaps and Plan for your future. This can also be done in a group however it is more generic. This is just THE BEAUTIFUL YOU.
Private Personalised session
Duration: 1.5 Hours X 4 sessions
The Journey
Access where you are.
Find the Gaps
Work towards an incredible future.